Welcome, one and all, to the incongruent ravings of an inferior mind!
Everybody dance, everybody dance, everybody look at your pants!
I'd even eat a baaa-by deer, lalalalalalalalala, who's the baby deer on the la-wn with the-
well i am out of little song tidbits, nuts. I thought I had a larger stash. You know what!? I want to rant something but I can't think so I am just gonna type till I get angry. Type type type, type type type, typity type type type type! ok I think I got it. Nope, type type itty type type typearoo type typo type typearoonsky. Ok here goes: crumbs false start sorry, Maybe I'll just talk about my day. No! I got it I'll type about my wied predicament. here you are
I found out the other day at the dentist that I inherited my parents aptitude for brittle teeth, and that the soda and gum I chew all the time is wearing away the enamel like hydraulic mining in 1866. Also I have been brushing wrong or something that I don't really get but it is detremental to my teeth health. so now I gotta quit soda, which is like giving up half my life, and gum, which isn't as large but still quite big in and of itself. So I have downed three cups of tea today and like a liter of orange juice and I have had nothing that actually quenched my thirst. I gotta say, I am not liking this, I need a new habit. Maybe I'll take up murder or something, or, I could just type out alot of schmegma like this, or, I could devote all my time to comics instead of sitting on my lazy ass and drinking four gallons of dr. pepper a day, by the way the reason the allmighty teaspoon isn't running yet is causemy scanner isn't working, actually my computer doesn't have enough space to run the driver and save things anymore. which scrapes the bowels of sucktitude. I think we are going to get a new one soon, BOSS!! if we do, I am gonna like explode and have a heart attack and rip my face off and shoot my liver all at the same time in excitement. hey guess what else? wait I promptly forgot my story,damn. My friggin head is gonne rip open seriously, no caffiene besides like some friggin tea all day, I am almost blind my head is killing me and I think I might pass out,no lies. I want to get addicted to something new, like: schoolwork, personal hygiene, cleaning, responsiblity. all of these things could help me, and too much wouldnt really hurt me. but NOOOO!! I had to go and get stuck on damn sack of human bile caffeine! and the side affects are worse too, I couldn't be addicted to money, or a reeeaaally big house, or even something fun!! perhaps, I don't know, grilled cheese! But NO! the fabric of our tiny insignificant universe had to be set just so, my flow of life had to cause me to interact with mountain dew. and why the hell do we have teeth?! seriously, they are unneccesary, we could just have probosci like insects, or giant mandibles or something, teeth can rot, it was the cause of death to humans for centuries!! hey there is something shooting a hole in evolution right there, why the hell would we evolve to something that has to watch it's eating patterns to survive, that has to rely or it's science to keep alive. If evolution was really existent and smart we';d be plants, cause they can create there own energy and don't mess as much with the habitat. did you know that they actually discovered through research in mitochondria, that we all came from one mother?! every person on the world was descendent from a maximum of 7 people, no lies. and they entirely overlook that it could be cause of adam and eve, or those left after the flood, captain what's his name, evolution is a faith now. it's just a faith taken up by those who are so dependent on there damn "science" that they would create a whole nother religion! Just to avoid creationism! Over half of the current scientists have come to believe that the "evidence" they have is total bullflop! BULLFLOP! and yet they teach it in schools. One scientist brought it to an assembly of scientist, he said, "tell me one thing 100% true about (macro)evolution" and they all sat there for like an hour, then one got up and said, "We shouldn't teach it in high school." and yet, they do, and yet they frown on creationism. it pisses me off, this is the reason we have grown so stoic. you think that 250 years ago we'd a taken 9/11 like we did?! We killed for years, sacraficed hundreds, because we were TAXED!! and yet we have grown so ambivalent about the human soul, we are just animals, this and, we started out as bacteria, that. GO TO HELL! you will too, believe you me. My biology teacher ranted for like 20 minutes about how evolution was true, some kid said "What the hell?" about something and she screamed at him, you know why? it is part of the human condition to avoid oaths, curses and watnot. if we were just animals, if we didn't have a supreme being, you think we'd aviod swears? do you see monkeys going, Oh darn!, no they are all "GRAAAH, graaaahh!!!" with there monkey ways, eating each others lice and watnot. I am so sick of this bulljunk.
Today's science is tomorrow's Folklore!