The Obscure

Welcome, one and all, to the incongruent ravings of an inferior mind!

Saturday, November 23, 2002

hello everyone, after much incessant request I have decided that I want to update this site, pretty crazy eh? But I don't have much to talk about, so I am just going to (once again) type till I get angry. And if you don't like it you can pull an Abe lincoln style and go cut down a tree or something. Or george washington I don't really remember, the point is, you can't stop me. Moving on, My creative flow is going like crazy today, I finished two comics, then watched looney tunes, then did just sketches, then watched more looney tunes, then more looney tunes. and now I am online, this sounds like a boring day, but it's actually more exciting than usual, because I did the sketching haha. I WOULD be at tim's right now but he refused to ask his parents to shorten his grounding, he said he'd try it today, he damn well better or I will eat his brains, seriously, I will rip open the top of his skull, and scoop it containents out with a wooden spoon. And then devour them.....Now that I have whetted all your appetites for more meals to come, I would like to tell you the saga of a chum of mine, Christian Snow is the name (he is the whitest guy ever, even in name) and the tale goes a little something like this...
(to the tune of the beverly hillbillies, cause he is white)

Let me tell you a story, Bout' a guy who's really white
we was sitting in health class ,and he got into a fight
not really a big fight ,it was more of an argument
but it was really funny, as least that's my sentiment

(thoughts that is)

He was sitting in his chair, with a guy in front of him
the guy moved away to let a girl sit in
his chair is where it was ,and don't you be terrified
this tale will get funnier, you'll laugh until you die

(proverbiabally that is)

So christian goes "allright! a girl is movin' here"
because he likes the womens, in case you didn't hear
but this particular girl was one he didn't like
and his comment at this fault was funny enough to crap a trike

(tricycle that is)

what he said to her then, to be brief and to the point
was pretty funny and it made me rather voint
now I know voint isn't a word, but you can all burn in hell
cause the comment that he said was really kinda swell

(so I made up my own word, that is)

what he ACTUALLY said was a word that began with "Shiii.."
but he didn't finish cause he didn't want her to kiii..
CK him in the nuts, he was a might scared
so he pretended it was a song, so he genitals were not teared

(torn, that is)

So then he begins to sing, a song that went like this
"Shiiiiit shit shit" and it made me have to piss
piss with laughter is what I mean, cause it gotten funnier
he tried over and over, but madder it made her

(cause we were laughing, that is)

So he fake sang for a whole period, he sang and he done sang
and right before she got real pissed, the bell done went and rang
so he bolted out of class, leavin me petrified
cause like I said before, I laughed until I died

(that's the end, ya hear?)

So you all come back, for another heapin' helpin
of songs that are stories, and possibly some yelpin'
yelpin with laughter, it'll be me
and you will laugh, you'll see

Some come on back later for some more calamityyyy!

(diddly ee dee doo doo, diddly ee do do)

the end, that is.

Thank you everybody!! I made that up as I went, pretty nice eh? It's a true story too, man am I great, well I'll see you all later, check back for more updates, this has been fun.

Quote: "You think my hairs long? You should see my pubes!"


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