The Obscure

Welcome, one and all, to the incongruent ravings of an inferior mind!

Thursday, January 16, 2003

hey hey everyone, it's been a while since I have updated this piece of (snick) It may only have been a coupld days but I have been offline for like a week so it feels like a year. to know why I was offline you would have to study the intricate volumes of the human mind, merely denting the amount of proverbial puzzle needed to go through would take more than your lifetime. so i'm just gonna tell you, My room is a trashhole right? and my fascist parents were making me fascist-ly clean my fascist room or else the would opress my online timer, Right? so in order to rebel against my fascist marxist oppressive overlords, I just sat on the couch and procrastinated for a week. Fight the power!! yes..indeed. well I am a little sleepy, I was up kinda late last night and I awoke to the soothing sounds of slayer. then had to go to a history exam, which was real easy, but I still had to go. FLAMING WRECKAGE!! I just remembered, I....hang on......oh yeah!! ok I wanted to rant about something like a week ago!! oh man and I remember it now too. of course I don't have the frameset for my rant in my head anymore, but who cares!?! ok here goes, I was talking to my dad the other day, (month, whatever) and he said something like, "Some christians go so far against the occult as to not like, lord of the rings, or something to that nature." and I was like, hey that sucks, and (mind you, I play video games alot) he said, "Well the games you play aren't that bad in that respect, but when you used to play magic that wasn't good at all" magic is a ccg, and if you don't know what that is you aren't geek enough for this rant, leave! (it's collectable card game, when I was younger me and some chums liked it, but the oppresive fascists made us ditch it cause it had demons in it and used magic [hence the title]) and he said stuff about dungeons and dragons and how it isn't necassery to make things go against the church like that or something...I don't remember exactly. BUT at the time I was well pissed off, because my whole lifestyle revolves around fantasy gaming, books, movies, shows, etc. so like what, am I sacriligious? The world is freaking BORING, we need some escape from the rules and restrictions slapped on us here, I mean if you got to into it and started believing the stuff was real or something then yeah, even in a wordly view your kinda..dented. but this place freakin sucks! we need to be able to imagine, without that I'd be dead, no lie. without imaginative crazy crap like that I would be dead! and what's more, why would it be sacriligious to begin with? (I'm entering unknown territory, don't be upset) Prophets did supernatural things, are they sacriligious? Man's interpretation shouldn't define what is sacriligious or not, man's feeble ideas should not be a basis for faith, I don't know how the hell we are to avoid that. haha, how the hell, ironic know? hm...this requires more thought on my part. I just don't enjoy the restrictions in that light, in some cases, it seems like everyone should just think about it and determine to themselves what is sin or not, but then I can imagine some wacko raping a dog with a brick or something cause he thought god allowed it...welp I am out of ideas, suffice it to say that I think a dose of imagination will brighten your day. in other words...

*breaks out into song*

When the world is glum
and you're out a luck
you fell on your bum
and you think it suuuucks!
just smile and think
about it more
a broken chink
in the chain you boooore!
just pretend it's fuuuun!
cause, everyoooooone
knows that
reality blows, cat!
so perhaps a trippy colorful daydream will cheer you up!!
at the doctors you pee in a cup!!
so pretend it's fun!
Pretend it's fuuuun!
and you don't have to...not
the end

take care everybody!!

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