The Obscure

Welcome, one and all, to the incongruent ravings of an inferior mind!

Saturday, January 11, 2003

yo yo everybody. I have huge astounding, frighteningly small new for you all. an old episode of the simpsons was on yesterday, and it was hilarious. for those of you who know the simpsons well, it was the wacking day episode, for those of you who don't, it was the burn in hell you non-simpsons viewing heathen episode. I gotta admit, there was a secret message in the title of the second episode. but you'll never be able to decode it, it's too intricate. My LAWD I am sleepy. last night after dave had to go home (by the way, dave came over yesterday) I decided, "That's it john, your gonna party like it's 2999!!" (because 1999 already passed, "this just in, losers didn't get awesome joke") and I stayed up till like 1 am playing video games with my mom haha. that's right, I'm a party animal. so allow me to quote the simpsons from last night...

Tractor: Come on bart, riiiide me!
Bart: I don't know, I shouldn't.
Tractor: Bwak, bwak bwak bwak BWAK!!
Chicken: He's insulting both of us!

haha, yes quite tremendous, and on that note, I right for you a play (for the second time, my comp has kicked me off the net twice so far, you are SO lucky I decided to finish this post, or unlucky, you decide)

Narrator: In the beginning, god created, the heavens and the, DANCE!!!
(Dancing actors come out on stage, singing..)
Altogether: When you feel that crazy dancing, IN YOU! You just put on your, DANCE SHOES!
Jims: I done dance-ded my heart out for nothin'
Mike: Screw you pal, I'm not going down for you, or anybody!!
Altogether: Cause we know that the day of dance will come, and when it comes, we won't be done, DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANCCIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING!!!!!

An Oliver Stone production

That's my play everyone, we are going on tour with it next year, the tickets are 8 billion dollars each. all we need is ONE count them, one, eccentric billionare to buy a ticket, and we make a 7,999,999,999 dollar profit!! Hey, you know what, I have been drinking this chocolate milk this whole time, right? and my landlord is sanding down the walls in the other room so everything is covered with dust in the house, right? So, this chocolate milk tastes funny, and I have come to the conclusion, that I am drinking chocolate PLASTER milk....It's still good though. on that note, farewell everyone. I had a subject worthy of rant, but I'm gonna save it for later, maybe tomorrow. it's cool though, betcha can't wait!

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