Welcome, one and all, to the incongruent ravings of an inferior mind!
hey hey everybody, I figure, I might as well update my sight seeing as I am kind of bored. what the hey? I guess I'll just hook you all up with an accurate description of my mood right now, I am conflicted, I am depressed, as usual, but am somehow in an elevated state, because I was hanging out with lauren earlier. so I'm stuck, somewhere in the middle, and it's making my tummy hurt, somehow. have you ever had your emotions like, expressed in your physical health? when I'm nervous, my knees hurt more than usual, when I'm sad, I get a headache, when I'm like, angry, for some reason my knuckles keep on hurting and cracking and such, I just don't understand it. I like those times when I am real happy, like earlier today, and it feels like my heart stopped beating, and I just don't need to breath anymore. and elevated state, like nirvana, I live for that, I truly do. well, I can't really think of anything to talk about, so I'm gonna tell the epic saga of how my chum richelle got suspended from school for eight days, here goes. I was in gym class, and I was hanging out with this kid eric (I think his name is) and these two girls who were wicked stoned haha, (kim and richelle) now, prior to this they had been smoking up in the girls locker room, never a good plan, for one, it's no good to smoke up, for another, it's no good to smoke up and be high in school, for another, it's no good to do both said things, but in a public place without trying to hide it. so, some girls in the locker room smelled it, and told the gym teacher that it was kim and richelle, and she got the asst. principal down there, and he said, "kim NAME AND ADRESS EXPLICATED, and richelle NAME AND ADDRESS EXPLICATED, come with me please" and richelle performed this magnificient handoff routine and passed her stash and pipe (cleverly contained in an altoids container) to eric (or whatever) so he was scared out of his mind, and like, walked around real nervous with it in his pocket for the rest of the period, for he was inexperienced in the ways of drugs. I would have helped him out but...well I'm not nice. so he handed it off to some friend of richelles, who no doubt has either consumed or returned the merchandise, and kim's guidance counselor lady got her off from trouble, but richelle had no such luck, and she got suspended for eight days, cause she was high, but didn't have possession when they caught her (fyi, if she did, she woulda have been expelled and arrested, thank you eric or whatever, you have done her a real service). yeah, and that's the end of that. which only leads me to my series of questions, one, why smoke up anyway, I mean, I just amuse myself with wacky ideas and watnot, why do you have to be stoned for that? and if you were gonna be, to enhance creativity or ease pain or some crap, some at least semi-legitimate reason, why would you, first of all, do it in a public place, and second of all, try to pass as sober afterwords? what lack of intelligence would lead someone to give up any inhibitions towards use of contraband as such. oh well, I'm gonna go, I lost my train of thought. cya