The Obscure

Welcome, one and all, to the incongruent ravings of an inferior mind!

Monday, April 28, 2003

'allo everyone, just got back from the dentist, it was just a cleaning and checkup and such. turns out I have no more cavaties or anything, so I don't have to go back for six months, hurrah! you wanna know what my actual problem is as of now? I'm brushing too hard and pushing back my gumline. that's my big thing, I have to brush lighter. that's like ending a six year war war and then having to exterminate termites from a house. I was thinking, as I was walking to the dentist, about france, and the whole "war" and whatever. and after a coupla minutes, I began to focus, not on the "war", but on how people are now trying to boycott france and stuff, mind you, there isn't many who are, but I have seen my fair share. this came into my head cause I am reading a french book, "Maldoror" by the Comte De Leautremont. I reccomend it to any who like freaky scary books, the main character is INSANE, but genius, a nice combination, the first installment, or chapter, if you will, is telling how he thinks the best way to drink blood is to grow your fingernails for two weeks, and then kidnap a small boy, blindfold him, and dig your fingernails into his chest and drink the mixture of his blood and tears. THEN, go out of the room, then come back in and take his blindfold off, and pretend to want to help him for a minute, then start drinking his blood again. Apparently, this is a way to redeem the boy's sins, and the torment, HE is putting YOU through, is a way to purge your soul as well. yeah it's freaky, he goes into a lot more depth than that, so at like, 3 in the morning it almost seems a competent philosophy. anywho back to the subject at hand, I was thinking it was rather hypocritical of america to think poorly of france when it didn't want to go to war, I don't know the full extent of it, but think, first of all, nobody wants to be on the bad side of terrorists, let alone the bad side of terrorists who may have nukes, america already is so there is nothing further to worry about. that's one, for another, france may have just been thinking in the best interests of it's people, war is bad, we all know it. AND think about it, I didn't have any say as to whether or not we went to war, did you? you can not join the military, but that's about it, it was our government's decision, do you think all the people in france wanted to avoid war and such? there had to have been at least one person who thought otherwise, why should we harm the innocent civilians in foriegn countries by harming their economy? it's the downtrodden who will suffer for it, the government who actually made the decision will just tax them more. I don't know, it all just seems to be backpaddling to me. enough on that subject, it's dead and tired after all it's use over the past months. I was thinking in the dentist today about cloning, I'm thinking, the first thing that should be cloned on a human, is not the heart, or anything, that's too complicated for a first try, it should be teeth! I mean, bone mass should be the easiest thing to clone anyway, because we can get growing samples of it to copy from anyone under 18, all we gotta do is perfect a strain of the growing bone mass dna, and inject it into someone, and Wha-la! new teeth, it'd be a lot easier, then I was thinking maybe, if we could do that, we could just have a full body replacement, like every coupla years, so people would live till like, 500 and have no illnesses until they died, THEN where would dentists and doctors go, you ask? Here's where! the government! yes, if cloning were perfected, we would need experts in every field of anatomy to narrow down the necassery details to make good clones, or specialized ones! like really small, fast people, with black hair and paper white skin, so that they are used to the dark, with excessively large pupils so they can see in the dark, with an idetic memory so that they can copy EVERYTHING they see, they would be the ultimate spies, give them octopus like suction cups on there wrists and feet, maybe a monkey's prehensile tail, claws like a tiger, sharklike teeth, they could just climb around and assasinate those directly in their way, then read through whatever they'd need to copy, and remember it perfectly, then get out again, and repeat or, draw, precisely what the thing was. I don't know, maybe that's what anti-clone people are afraid of, I think it'd be cool though. haha, maybe I'll write a story about that. ah well, cyall later!

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