The Obscure

Welcome, one and all, to the incongruent ravings of an inferior mind!

Monday, May 12, 2003

Here I go to copy lauren and taylor, *sigh* I need to be more original, ah well...

1. What time is it? 5:43
2. Name as it appears on your birth certificate: John "john" Johnington
3. Nickname? johnny, yeah that's it. That's actually my whole nickname, even this explaining part is part of the nickname. it's terrible when calling attendance.
4. Parents names? Margaret and Norman
5. Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake? I don't even think I did that.
6. Date that you last blew them out? febtober 93rd
7. Pets? zoe and chelsea....and pj.
8. Eye color? brown, I guess
9. Hair color? dark brown, again, I guess
10. Piercing? none that you can see *wink*
11. Tattoos? I lack tattoos, as of now
12. How much do you love your job? I don't have a job, but if I did, I'd love it thiiiiiiiiiiis much *spreads arms real wide*
13. Best gift you've received? hm, my ps2, probably
14. Hometown? twas originally from middleboro, then I made the dramatic move to bridgewater, and never looked back.
15. Current Residence? bridgewater, stupid.
16. Favourite soft toy? Spotty Squishy!
17. Been toilet papering? never!!
18. Croutons or bacon bits? Ok, I have seen this question on many a survey, and I'm sure it was funny, MAYBE on the first one, but now, no. They're just funny phrases, they don't mean anything. Like chitty chitty bang bang, or give peace a chance.
19. Favorite Movie? alot, don't get me started on movies, cause when I get going, I can never stop talking about things and.. *goes on for twenty minutes* ..and that's how you know your bread is fresh, cause the jam just tastes terrible otherwise.
20. Favorite day of the week? any day but tuesday! I hate tuesday so much!
21. Favorite word or phrase? "BLAST! I can't remember how to talk!"
22. Favorite Restaurant? good ooooooool' baldies. Yep, it's been a while, but nothing beats it, even today.
23. Favorite Flower? ...I don't know, blue.
24. Favorite Non-alcoholic drink: Coffee, it's all that keeps me alive.
25. Favorite sport to watch on T.V.? Slamball!
26. Preferred type of ice cream? mmmm, obscure food reference
27. Favorite Sesame Street Character? Taylors head on a stick
28. Disney or Warner Bros.? I'm gonna have to say, disney, but only disney's glory days, donald duck in music land, and the like.
29. Favorite Fast Food Restaurant? Kentaco hut of course, You can get enough to feed five people for ten bucks, and still have enough for a ride on the trolly back to
30. When was your last hospital visit? hm...I don't know
31. What color is your bedroom carpet? a mixture of this ugly brown, and the plethera of things I have spilt on it over the years
32. Have you ever been convicted of a crime? well, you can't be convicted of a crime if you don't get caught
33. Which single store would you choose to max out your credit card? I wouldn't, I am responsible. *stands proud*
34. Most annoying thing? Drying off with a damp towel, OR Having a piece of floss constantly stuck in your teeth, and the only way to get it out is to dig deep with tweezers and bleed alot.
35. Bedtime? when I can fall asleep
36. Favorite all-time TV show? simpsons, still
37. Last Movie you saw? X-men 2 with lauren *dreamy sigh* (a, amour)...and you know dave and the like. *dreamy sigh so they don't feel left out*
38. Favorite Music? a little of everything, I guess.
39. What CD is in your player right this second? I think "Bob Dylan-Blonde on Blonde" Ryan said twas real good, so I have been listening to it alot, and he's right. GO RYAN!
40. What is your deepest fear? that I am entirely philosophically wrong, or that all that is good in my life right now turns bad somehow, all it would take is one tweak, one switch of opinion, to bring everything crashing down! It makes you realize how fragile sanity is, ah well.
41.If you could be a musical instrument, which one and why? the harp, they are so sleek and sexy, and they sound so pure and wholesome. *sigh* someday...
42. If you had to paint a picture of yourself without painting anything resembling a human, what would you be? a severed rabbits head. No particular reason, just cause.
43. What is you favorite weapon of mass destruction? Severed Rabbits Head, or as I like to call it, DEAD RYAN!
44. Are you an internet pornstar? Well yeah, I thought that's what this site was about?
45. Mars Bars or Snickers? Snickers, booyeah! At least we didn't have to choose from poptarts, cause I'd definately choose poptarts, unlike some.....(swish)
46. Does Coke make you hyper? cocaine does, soda, not really.
47. When someone says "Grandma's Chicken Salad" do you get the reference? I think I can kinda get it, but I may just be over thinking
48. Do people think you are really innocent and then get surprised when you show that you can be as dirty-
minded as anyone else? haha, No. I have long proven myself otherwise
50. What's the best item of clothing you own? (hey look I skipped stupid 49!) um, I'd gotta say the jacket dave's mom gave me. No that wasn't a poorly excecuted joke, she actually did give me this flannel jacket I wear alot.

and that's that, farewell everybody.

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