The Obscure

Welcome, one and all, to the incongruent ravings of an inferior mind!

Monday, June 09, 2003

hello everybody,I don't really have anything to talk about...huh. My mind was so full of creativity earlier today, I was gonna do some writing, but now my once fruitful day has been squandered on meaningless trivial bullplop. I really wish I was able enough to undertake the tasks I set for myself sometimes, all the writing and art work I want to do. I can do it, but it would take work, and I am chronically lazy, and I never feel well, I think I should go see a doctor, or a psychiatrist. I think not falling asleep till (on average) 1:30 in the morning and waking up (on average) 6:30 am, for four years, has worn me down to the point at which I cannot function as a normal human being. I really think I should get sleeping aids, or something, or some sort of coping mechanism to rid me of my anxieties so that sleep would come easier. but, I probably won't, there's no point really, what would I try and be healthy for? so I can work ok? I don't work anyway, even if I were in good health, I would be too lazy to work haha. What I need, is a little leprechaun, with one of those zappy stick things, that they drive bulls with, to sit on my shoulder and zap-stick me when ever I wasn't doing what I should. Yes, then I would get work done. I was looking back on my life a couple of nights ago, and I have realized that I have never fully been stable. I've had my lucid moments, yes, but I have always returned to my odd self, always scampering back to my differentiating views after tasting what was considered normal. So, I have deduced, after much thought, that I am perhaps not as insane as I once thought, but just very childish, with such niavete about things, social situations, pretty much everything, and I get so self concious and embarassed and paranoid, it's just like a five year old. It's settled, I'm not crazy, just 5. haha, welp, I'm gonna go now, cya later!

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