The Obscure

Welcome, one and all, to the incongruent ravings of an inferior mind!

Wednesday, July 30, 2003

I'm going to copy kelly's idea and do this survey on my blog! whoohoo!!

1. What time is it? 9:14 AM (damn insomnia works both ways)
2. Name on birth certificate: John Paul Colón
3. Nickname (s): Johnny, Big Papa, sweet thing, on occasion hun (only two of those are real, pick them out and you get a nickel)
4. Parents names: Norm and Margaret
5. Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake: two, one for me and one for my dad

6. Date that you regularly blow them out: Welp, july 24th would be my birthday, but we always have a family party sometime in late july
7. Pets: two kitties!
8. Hair color: brownish/blackish, whatever
9. Piercing: I can't tell you that, You would think less of me.
10. Eye color: Brown, and GREEN! Lauren said so too everyone, I win!
......where did eleven go?
12. Hometown: Bridgewater, but for the sake of novelty, I'm going to say Americaville, USA
13. Current residence: bridgewat-..ahem, Americaville,USA
14. Favorite Food: I'm gonna have to go with chinese food too, please.
15. Been to Antarctica? Yeah actually, this one time when SOMEONE GAVE A DAMN ABOUT ANTARCTICA!
16. Been toilet papering? Yeah, at least once a day...(get it?)
17. Loved somebody so much it made you cry? I can't cry, it's impossible, I've tried. But if I could, I would constantly be in tears.
18. Been in a car accident? yeah BOY!
19. Croutons or bacon bits? croutons, one time, I thought a beef bullion cube was a crouton and I ate it, and it made me throw up.
20. Sprite or 7up? Sprite all the way, 7up sucks. Except for the cool spot guy, what eever happened to him? I remember Tim V. used to have a coolspot game for Genesis and we would play it alot, it was bitchin, the graphics were so go for that day in age, even though it was just one of those side scrolling mascot games you see alot of.
21. Favorite Book? The DragonBone Chair, by Tad Williams. There are four others in the series, but I had to make it favorite book not favorite series so I went with the first one
22. Favorite Holiday? Thanksgiving, my whole family is there, and there is food and el pindel and those crazy roll things everyone loves. I wish it was thanksgiving now!
23. Favorite day of the week: Any day but freaking tuesday. Tuesday is such a little bitch

....and wheres twenty-four??
25. Favorite Restaurant: T.K. Omalley's, Omalley, the alley cat. (I just left kelly's and reference aristocats.)

26. Favorite Toothpaste: Colgate Sensitive, or something
27. Favorite flowers: roses, I only say this because lauren made me get her one once, and it made her happy so I love them now.
28. Favorite drink: Fresca! that's right, fresca has, in my humble opinion, now beaten dr. pepper. I'm sorry taylor.
29. Favorite sport to watch: SLAMBALL!! WOOOOOO!
30. Preferred type of ice cream : I don't really like ice cream, so I'm going to take this opportunity to speak about something that has been on my mind. Now, we all know that there are alot of homosexuals in our society today, but you know what? Name One who became an astronaut! That's right, astrophysical homophobia is far too prominent in the ranks of our elite, and I for one will not stand for it. Think about it? Who would make a better astronaut, then an overly clean, industrious queer. Let me tell you, no one. Gays Into Spay! (ce) Gays Into Spay! (ce)
31. Favorite Sesame Street Character: the one with the nice rack
32.Disney or Warner Bros? I like looney tunes, and I like old trippy disney cartoons, so I say, anything between 1939 and 1975 for both of them
33. Favorite Fast Food Resturant? The Foxy Lady
34. When was your last hospital stay? uh, about a year ago
35. What color is your bedroom carpet? it's a mixture of a wierd brownish color (that's mainly dirt) and all the drinks that have been spilt on it over the years
36. How many times did you fail your drivers test? I haven't taken it. But I'm sure kelly will do swimmingly!
37. Who was the last person you got email from? actually it was "gamespy" telling me that they have F-Zero in stock now. But I already bought it at this pawn shop place. *sigh*
38. Do you sing in the shower? I'm not gonna tell you what I do in the shower, let's just say, I use alot of shamPOO.
39. Which single store would you choose to max out your credit card? Would someone tell me what I was insinuating in my last statement? cause I don't get it.
40. What do you do most often when you get bored? play a game, or go online and do crappy surveys
41. Name the person that you are friends with who lives the farthest away: actually...well it may be erin c. I forgot where she lives, but it may actually be kelly, all the way in fall river. Unless I still have friends in maine or something I don't remember
42. Bedtime: lately around 2 am
43. Who will respond to this email the quickest?: im not emailing, im posting! That's right kelly, that's my boy!!
44. Who is the person you sent this email to that is least likely to respond? anyone who really cares for me at all would respond. *tear*
45. Ever really badly wanted to kiss someone? Yes. and it always really happens when her mom is there or something.
46. Favorite TV show: The simpsons, or family guy, or futurama, or king of the hill. Matt groening you genius!!
47. Last person you went out to dinner with? huh, I dunno. Me and lauren were gonna but we ordered in instead. She got me a jethro tull DVD, man she's great!
48. Ford or Chevy? Let me ask you a more important question, Gerald Ford or Chevy Chase? huh? HUH!?
49. Time when you finished this email? 9:37 AM wow I was done prescisely nine hours after kelly
50. Mary Ann or Ginger? Ginger, because ginger is a ho. ;^D

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