The Obscure

Welcome, one and all, to the incongruent ravings of an inferior mind!

Wednesday, December 31, 2003

Hey everybody. I just got off the phone after a nice session of offending and irritating the woman I love. Now I'm watching tim play super mario bros. and listening to phish with an ice pack on my groin and a half full cup of ginger ale in my hand. I tell you I'm bloody sick of things. I dunno if it's the pain-pills in my blood or the hairless condition of my pelvis but I do know this one thing for sure; if I am to make a new year's resolution, it will be to lose all this damn flab! Honestly, look at me! I'm a bohemoth. Seriously though, I think my new years resolution is to try and pass the eleventh grade. My mom was talking to me about staying home for a full month, as a trial period for home-schooling. See my mother was going to have to get my school work given to me from school to do at home, and then she was going to drive it back in and get my grades for it, so it would be like just doing all my work at home, you know? If we could do something like this on a permanent basis, and if it actually worked, then maybe I might be able to pass class and actually graduate. On the other hand, I would miss the library, and my friends at school (the few I do have) and some of my classes are alright, and a select few are even borderline enjoyable, although they would be a whole lot more enjoyable if there weren't all the stupid kids I despise in there. If it was just the kids I liked (the three or four), the teachers, and myself, I think I'd have an ok GPA. Ah well, can't cry over a torched dna sample, as they say. I can't wait till I get to shower tomorrow morning. I'm all smelly and unshaven now, Lauren told me not to shave, and then promptly made it ambigious as to whether or not she actually wanted me to shave. It's like it isn't fun for her unless she leaves me horrible confused; and of course she still reserves the right to be mad or sad if I don't follow her inscrutable wishes.

Man, Tim really sucks at super mario brothers. That is to say he is pretty good; he keeps on playing till he has like 98% of it beaten and then the cartridge deletes his game. It was funny the first time for both of us, but I think now I am pretty much the sole benefactor from the situation's obvious humor.

Well, I tire of this blathering. I'm going to sit here and watch Tim play this game until I grow bored enough to post another one of these proverbial piles of pig dung. Happy New Years.

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