Welcome, one and all, to the incongruent ravings of an inferior mind!
Hey everyone. How are you all doing? Leave me a comment with how you are doing when you read this; Now I know none of you are going to leave a comment, so I've taken the liberty of preparing incentive for it: those of you who do leave a comment will recieve a free lemon! You can get that one hundred percent pure lemon taste any time you want with this little darling. Those of you who don't will have a warrant put out for your arrest and immediate execution. Anyway, I was up till 3 in the AM last night, I couldn't find anything on tv so I just put it on VH1 because sometimes they have good shows, except they don't anymore because they were bought by MTV (just like nickelodeon)... Yeah, so I watched an "All Access" Marathon thing, they played the "Britney vs Christina" episode twice. They are hour long episodes haha. Ah well, yeah so while I was doing this I was working on kelly's comic (if you don't know the story behind this, leave a comment and I will post it on the next...post) and I've realized that although I may have a knack for drawing somewhat, I suck right now. Like as a cartoonist, not as like...the general public, I know I can doodle pretty well when I draw my characters and shizzy, it's just because I've not really drawn scenery, so I have to work on that. Anyway, regardless as to whether or not I can draw well I'm still working on this porrly drawn comic book; although it'll look like sh*t it should look better by the end of it when I've had practice drawing the kinds of things that are in it haha, and chances are I'll go back and redraw the beginning ones anyway. Yeah, the point was I am drawing it, and I've gotten past this little kink in writing for it that was pissing me off too, so we're good.
Yeah so I know you guys don't like hearing (or reading) me talk (or type) about comics and stuff, I just do it mainly to get my personal thoughts in order. Apparently my mom is going to drive me in for the midterm tests next week, even though I'm not going to class or anything, so that'll be fun. My incision keeps on being itchy, and I've no way to scratch it. ....I'm gonna put on "the velvet underground and nico" right now, hang on...
Actually I ended up putting on "the best of skeletons from the closet" by the grateful dead, just because it's been gone for like a year at lauren's house. Not that I don't mind that it was gone, I just want to listen to it now that it's back, you feel me? Also, you'll all be glad to know that Lauren is very good at taking care of cds....NOT! haha, zing. I'm just kidding doll, please don't hit me.
So I haven't showered yet this morning and I feel kind of gross, but I know I'm not gonna shower for another hour or so anyway because I have to wait for lauren to come online, I promised her I'd go on at noon and all. Yeah, also I'm lazy and it hurts to shower haha. I'm actually gonna take a percoset now in preparation of it. I'm running out of these, I only have like 11 left, and it's only been a week, I hope I won't need them as much by the time I run out, cause although I'm not in huge pain, sometimes it hurts enough to want them, you know? Anywho fellas, I'm out now, I love you all. I'm probably gonna post later on today out of boredom. Also I think I'll have a comic up this evening, but I may not. Yep...right, talk to you later.
Simpson, I have a confession to make. I'm not quite the tunnel digger I made myself out to be.