The Obscure

Welcome, one and all, to the incongruent ravings of an inferior mind!

Thursday, January 15, 2004

Hey hey everyone, I'm going to take this survey here because I just want to prove that my URL isn't false advertizing.

1) Have you ever had a song written about you? Well taylor has written a few about me, but most of the time they are also about tim.

2) What song makes you cry? Look into the sun, by jethro tull. Man, I dunno what the song is really about, but it makes me feel like crying it does.

3) What song makes you happy? haha, oddly enough I get very happy when I hear "Wind-Up" (Jethro Tull, of course) haha, it's off the "My God" section of Aqualung, it's all sacriligious, but so damn awesome man, I love it. I'm gonna make Lauren sing it for me, in librarian garb, under the moonlight. I mean, it is almost our anniversary, right? Isn't that nuts man? You know, pretty much all of my life I currently remember has Lauren in it, which means (you got it!) I remember almost exactly ONE YEAR of my entire life right now. I guess you could add in all the small moments I remember from before that and get maybe a year and a half.

4) What do you like to listen to before bed? The soft murmer of my cat, vomiting on my carpet, under the moonlight.

HEIGHT: 5'11!! Heh heh, girls are short, especially all the ones I know.
HAIR COLOR: Dark Brown, maybe black.
SKIN COLOR: I'm kinda dark, but a pale darkness. If that makes sense, to me I look like a light-skinned latino, but most people just think I'm white. I dunno, whatever.
EYE COLOR: Brown, with green, GREEN DAMMIT!
PIERCINGS: None, I don't think I'm gonna get them, I don't think I'd look good that way, not that I do.
TATTOOS: I wanna get a tattoo though, I dunno of what. Maybe a can of beans.

Right Now?
WHAT COLOR PANTS ARE YOU WEARING?: Plaid PJ ones, cause I'm gay, also because they feel a lot better on my wound than regular pants do.
WHAT SONG ARE YOU LISTENING TO?: I'm listening to aqualung, the album, I don't remember the title of this track though, it's one of the lesser ones on it. Aqualung to me, is like a pantheon of gods. The highest on this pantheon is the albums namesake, aqualung, and the lesser gods (songs) control the facets and attributes to the universe that is, Aqualung.
WHAT TASTE IS IN YOUR MOUTH?: Stale saliva, deeeeelicious.
WHAT'S THE WEATHER LIKE?: It's actually the coldest night in thirty years right now.

Do you...
GET MOTION SICKNESS?: ONly when I read in the car, BABY.
HAVE A BAD HABIT?: Psh, I'm just one insolvable tangle of bad habit wire.
GET ALONG WITH YOUR PARENTS?: Usually, when I'm not being an asshole. Well I guess you could say "Sometimes."
LIKE TO DRIVE?: I'm scared Doomless of it.

TV SHOW: Simpsons/Futurama. I guess.
CONDITIONER: I use a combo kinda deal.
MAGAZINE: GI man, sweet sweet GI
NON-ALCOHOLIC DRINK: Non-alcoholic? What is that?
THING TO DO ON THE WEEKEND: I dunno, hang out with Lauren.. Pretend I care about what Lauren says so she doesn't hurt me... Hang out with taylor and tim and ryan and... ok just hang out with "Friends" and make fun of the stupid crap Lauren says, but not to her face so she doesn't hurt me.
BAND OR GROUP or SINGER or RAPPER: Jethro Tull, and Grateful Dead, Also neil young, and any incarnation of Neil young (C,S,N,Y, etc..)

Have you...
BROKEN THE LAW: One time I put pants on a duck, apparently that's wrong.
RAN AWAY FROM HOME: One time when I was in second grade haha. Sissy Lauren.
SNUCK OUT OF THE HOUSE: Nope, I can't really sneak, I'm too clutzy.
MADE A PRANK PHONE CALL: I tried to one time with ben, but I got all nervous in the middle and hung up
EVER TIPPED OVER A PORTA POTTY: one time. I mean, the porta-john didn't tip over, I was doing a handstand inside it, you know, dipping my face in the bowl... Don't read into it, this is my life I'll live it how I want.
USED YOUR PARENTS CREDIT CARD: Nope. Because I'm a sissy.
SKIPPED SCHOOL BEFORE: LAUREN SKIPPED SCHOOL BEFORE?! I am appalled!! You know, I am the irresponible slacker around here, but I've never skipped school. And Lauren is a goody two shoes, and she hasn't. Trippy.
FELL ASLEEP IN THE SHOWER/BATH: All the time. When I get older man, I'm gonna get a jacuzzi and like a 10000 gallon water-heater, and I'm just going to spend most of my life immersed in almost boiling hot water. Cause that's the way I likes it.
BEEN IN A SCHOOL PLAY: One time. I was a cat, but we didn't have a good costume, so I wore footy brown pajamas with a coathanger tail, and I couldn't make a "Purrrr" noise, so I just did a raspberry. I only had one line, and it when, "I don't have any present for the King... Brppppppptttt..."
LET A FRIEND CRY ON YOUR SHOULDER: I dunno, Lauren cried near me twice, I think. But that's about it.

BOYFRIEND: Well.. Me and Taylor haven't said anything... OFFICIAL, but.. well I think we are both on the same page with this stuff.
GIRLFRIEND: not that I can remember... I may be dating this one chick who is here a lot, I can't recall her name though.
CHILDREN: Three, Decidius Erasmus, Pencil Sharpener, and Anabelle Maria. haha, yeeeeah.
CURRENT CRUSH: *sigh* I guess I have to admit it, I have a crush... George Clooney everyone. I just want to bite into him and make him my own, ooh hoo hoo. Yep, Also I have a thing for Lauren, kinda.
BEEN IN LOVE?: And how! It's truly amazing, this "love" the humans have shown me.
HAD A HARD TIME GETTING OVER SOMEONE: Hell yeah. What a fun time that was, eh?
BEEN HURT?: eh, I guess you could say that.
YOUR GREATEST REGRET: My biggest regret, Love-wise? I guess it would have to be not gaurding my heart, when I was younger. When you are coming of age and you realize what you could have if you reached for it, it's so hard to not screw yourself over. Chances are your first try is gonna be a miss, and it's also going to be the main thing that sets you on your path for all the relationships to come. My biggest regret is letting myself believe in my stupid childhood fantasies, and my biggest joy is that even though I could screw up my life that much, there is still someone around who I love, who in turn will love me for who I am, and more-over, love me even though I am how I am. Which I think, is a much greater thing. Sorry to get emo on you guys.
GONE OUT WITH A SOMEONE YOU ONLY KNEW FOR THREE DAYS: Not once have I done such a dreadful deed.
HOW MANY TIMES: Not ONCE. You bastard.
HAVE YOU EVER GIVEN/RECEIVED ORAL SEX: ahem, this question is rude and offensive and I refuse to answer it on those sole grounds.

DO YOU HAVE A JOB: I do, but I don't work much.
WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY?: My sexy lady, all of my chums, Reading, Drawing, occasionally Painting, Playing games, watching this tizzwazza.
WHO MAKES YOU THE HAPPIEST?: My sexy lady, and all my chums who have put up with me through all my stupid days.
WHAT'S THE NEXT CD YOU'RE GONNA GET?: I think I'm gonna get... hm... I dunno, maybe a Buffalo Springfield album.
WHO DO YOU CONSIDER GOOD FRIENDS?: All of my friends are very close to me.
WHAT DO YOU LIKE TO DO?: Certain persons in certain areas, possibly thrown over certain chairs.

And that's all folks!! Comment, please, I'm so lonely.

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