Welcome, one and all, to the incongruent ravings of an inferior mind!
Hey hey hey hey hey. My mum is out getting meschoolwork to do, huzah!! Apparently my P.O.T. (principles of technology) teacher is refusing to send me home work on the grounds that I read in his class a lot, despite the fact that I've made two of the best projects in the entire history of his teaching career; but I guess that doesn't matter. Man, what a bastard. Anyway, My uncle (whom, as some of you know, is shizophrenic and has to be taken care of in a nursing home) is switching to a closer home now. Hmm... I'll list how things went down.. Uncle John is in his Home, he get's really depressed and causes some trouble, becomes suicidal. They send him to an actual hospital to get him back to "normal" before he can be in the Home again. While he is at the hospital the Home changes hands, someone buys it; and they refuse to let John back in. (he is my namesake by the way) So my uncle has been staying at this Short term state funded facility for about a month, and the maximum time is supposed to be about two weeks. And my dad had to arrange a different home for him to go in, because otherwise they would try and make John my dad's ward. Now John needs 'round the clock hospital attention, because of his health and also because of his mental condition, so he absolutely can't stay here. So about a week ago my dad tracked down another state-funded facility that will take him, and today he has to bring john there as well as set up his room for him with his clothes and stuff. But my uncle has a record player that he is lending us, so now I have a functional record player in my house. And depending on how long the drop-off process takes, I might not be able to pick up Lauren this afternoon, and that will royally suck, but I can't really complain. This is kind of a big break for my uncle, also it's closer to us than his old ones so my dad can visit him.
So my dad has been under a lot of stress about this lately. If you pray, I would ask you to pray for my family; I know it's not a huge deal but, there is always some sort of strife going on in this family. You'd think we were cursed. Meanwhile, while all of this is going on, Lena is in the middle of raging puberty and causing all kinds of ruckus. Most of the ruckus that is caused is focused on my mother, which isn't really cool. My mum's got enough stress. Ah well, at least Lena doesn't smash things like I did when I was 13 (or 14, whatever). Seriously, one time my mom said I couldn't have anymore Pepsi because it was like 6 o'clock, and I was pissed off about this because...well I wanted pepsi, So I yelled a little, and then I (haha) kind of flipped out and punched our
microwave, I put my fist right through the microwave door man. I still have scars on my knuckles from it. I went into school the next day and had to explain to everybody why my hand was bandaged. Man, puberty did too much to ravage my already messed up brain. At least Lena is just bitchy and not the incredible hulk like I was. haha. Yeah, so I was going through my parents record collection (Wooden Ships- Crosby, Still, and Nash is now one of my favorite songs of all time.) and while I'm doing this my parents slip back into hippy mode, so we were listening to ravi shankar for an extended period of time. Yeah but I found this jethro tull album "stormwatch" I dunno what it's supposed to be about, they have stuff that is reminiscent of like an oil spill or something in the words, but regardless, My dad has actually never heard it before haha, somehow. It's been in our collection for as long as I can remember, but he's never listened to it. How strange, anyway, all the songs are new to me. Pretty good though.
On that note, I am out fellas, I love you all. Except that girly weakling Tim. *shakes fist*