The Obscure

Welcome, one and all, to the incongruent ravings of an inferior mind!

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

So you know how I said my ear was clogged with water or whatever and I couldn't hear? Well apparently it is now infected and I cannot hear at ALL in my right ear, and not only is it preventing hearing, it is actively HURTING me. So that's fun. I'm going to the doctor in an hour or so to get some anti-biotics for it. I gotta call tim or something and tell him, cause he said he was gonna "pop in" today. Maybe I'll just leave him a note to wait or something. Nah, that would be inconsiderate.

I came home from school early, at about quarter of 1. Of course nobody is online and all the sites I normally read are unupdated andall i can do is listen to music with my one good ear and update my site. Luckily I found another webcomic and read all of those from the archive; so that killed some time. I'm still as bored as hell though, ah well.

Let me ask you a question, am I the only one who has discovered confidence through a long-term relationship? I remember that until I started going out with Lauren I was scared to death of girls; ESPECIALLY ones that I though were good looking and stuff. If I saw a girl and thought I was going to cross paths with her while on the street I would cross the street even though I would look like a retard doing so because I'd cross back in a couple minutes. I would just dodge crossing paths with that girl for no real reason but to avoid her her glance. So now that I have had a girlfriend for like a year I have developed a much larger confidence and I am pretty sure that despite my appearance I could probably actually get dates or whatever if I tried, after all I see this horrible looking fat kids with dates and stuff, so why wouldn't I be able to, right? Except now I've got a girlfriend and not only would it be wrong for me to go after another girl, I don't WANT to, no other girl would be good enough for me, you know? Anyway, I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced something similiar to that, like you develope a lot so that you gain the attributes you once sought... RIGHT when they are no longer necessary; it's strange.

Anyway, I'm going to go take some pain pills for my fweakin ear. See you.

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