The Obscure

Welcome, one and all, to the incongruent ravings of an inferior mind!

Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Americans are getting easier and easier to entertain. It is truly and astounding phenomenon, think about it, look at the advertisement on TV today; people buy those products, those are expensive commercials to make. Look at the humor in the successful shows now-a-days, look at the Simpsons for god's sake, the humour is terrible now, I think it is only kept alive by people who grew up watching it, and are therefore incredibly amused by the mere sound of Homer's voice. We are getting dumber my friends, dumber to the point that we are essentially cattle. I have pinpointed some instigators, I shall list them now!

Instigator the first! Television. That's right, good ol' TV, it makes taking in sensory delights easy, they call it the boob tube. But you were expecting me to say TV, so I'll just leave it at that.

Number two! The School System: Here goes for this one, everyone has been edjucated to a certain extent, and therefore everyone thinks they are a brilliant mind (myself included) we are suffering from delusions of grandeur, and everyone get's this idea like, "If I apply myself, I could rule the school." or whatever, and are therefore content with their (percieved) unused ablities. They never tap the potential they "have", they just waste away to obscurity.

I tire of this, so I'm just gonna get to the point I wanted to to start with.

PARENTS! Our parents have done the best they can to give their children the best that their hard earned money can buy, they have spoiled our brains worse than TV ever could. Some of us chilluns were lucky in that our imaginations thrived anyway, but the vast majority of us got used to a certain level of sensory stimulation, what with their video games and movies and easy to use toysand such that we don't have the energy in our bodies to expel in an effort to create free-thinking thought.

Anyway, I had this whole intelligent thing I was gonna say, but then I got distracted by this movie I am watching. Hence this stupid blog update. Forgivahness a-Please.


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