The Obscure

Welcome, one and all, to the incongruent ravings of an inferior mind!

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Hey fellas, I had an awesome day! WOO! Haha, I ended up falling asleep at about 3:30 or 4 last night, I slept till about 630, then I woke up and showered and all, and ended up making it to school kind of on time (not really, but close). I was in a good mood all day, I dunno why it just felt like all was right with the world. Then I went to Laurens house after school, which was great! We played Virtua Fighted 4, she rented it and such, but Teddy didn't have two PS2 controllers and he neglected to tell her at the video rental place, so she got all mad and huffy and it was funny for me to watch because it didn't matter to me.

It's all kind of a blur now. My internal clock got all screwed up by my sleeping pattern last night, so I felt like it was time for bed at like 4 this afternoon, and right now feels like 1 AM. I think I'm going to take a bath in apple sauce and drown my woes in a sack with a kitten. Yes, that should hit the spot.

My room is a trash-hole right now, seriously, it's as messy as deuce. I've got ANOTHER new drafting table coming tomorrow, this one is like state of the art, with all kinds of scales and machines and it's motorized angle and height adjusty-dealies and everything. Woo doggy I can't wait to set it up.
I think I like setting things up more than I like using them. I spend hours at a time setting everything in my rom and entertainment center up and everything and I set up my drafting table and all my drawing equipment and easle and paints and paper and canvases and stuff. And then I just sit on my couch the majority of the time and draw in my notebook.

*blank stare* My mind is entirely empty. I feel kinda like I spent an entire day with magnets running up and down the sides of my head, and it erased most of the stuff that was in there. Like my head is a computer or something, you know what I mean. Maybe my head is a computer. *ponders*

Anyway, see y'all later.

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