Welcome, one and all, to the incongruent ravings of an inferior mind!
I was watching DareDevil just now. I have liked, up till now, all of those Marvel Comic movies to come out. I didn't see daredevil because Ben Affleck was in it, and as far as I am concerned there have only been three good rolls Ben Affleck has played, in Good Will Hunting, Dogma, and that other movie who's name I can't remember.
In any case, Daredevil blew, more than even I thought it would. My day is ruined. I was watching it while I tried to nap, because I am very tired. But I couldn't sleep at all, so I ended up seeing it through to the end. It really did suck, I'm so glad that The Punisher was so good, because if they treated the dark anti-hero thing in The Punisher as poorly as they did in DareDevil I'd have to go over and kick Stan Lee's ass. That rat bastard.
The only thing that was vaguely attractive about the film (besides jennifer garner; who, although under normal circumstances wouldn't be on my list at all, goes somewhere in my top ten hot actresses list when she is in leather fighting Bulls Eye.) is that one song by evanescence they played. Not that retarded "Wake me up inside" crap, I'm talking about that really sad one they played during the funeral scene. You know how it goes...
And if you cry
I would wipe away all of your tears
something something
take away all of your fears
*Sad singing ensues*
Yeah, I'm not a fan of Evanescence at all, although I listen to them on occasion because Lauren likes them I think. But that one song, becaue of the context in which I first heard it and how it did fit that context, kinda makes me feel like crying. I think I'm going to buy the album, and then scratch out everything but that song, somehow. They count as a one hit wonder with me, baby, but dass'all.
So it's been the general consensus amongst my friends that "sit down I think I love you" by buffalo springfield, is a song not to be liked. I'm going to be honest with you, I love the hell out of that song. I wish I actually knew the words because I always start singing it and then forgetting how it goes. I know it's a Stills song, but it's Stills good! (bada chish.)
Has anyone else noticed how the weather is chronically not sucking lately? what's up with THAT?! On one hand, I love this summery weather because it creates an aura of enjoyable casualness in my life that I can't help but love. But on the other hand, it makes me nostalgic and I end up feeling very depressed. So I've got this strange casual contentness mixed with this deeply rooted, pustulient emotion that is impossible to shake.
I think I should start taking heroin, then all my problems would be over.
I've found that music can make my actual physical pains go away. I never thought it would do that, but it's true. Like, when I have something emotional going on in my life I flip through all my CDs and records or whatever and try to find an album that has the same feeling that I am feeling. I can usually find one, I counted and I have 63 cds. Maybe 20 records, and maybe 10 tapes. Not a huge collection like Ryan's or Tim's or Taylor's, but it's pretty good I think, it touches many different things. I think I have a good Sampling, to put it perfectly frankly.
Right, so sometimes I'll have a headache, and if I listen to an album that has the same emotional structure as my current mood, it can make my headache go away sometimes. My headaches are usually stress related, it runs in the family.
A lot of my life and theories and such involves the phrase "It runs in the family." but... I mean, it's true. We are a messed up family. As much as I sometimes put down or get irritated by/irritate my younger sister, we are very alike in our hearts. Everyone in my family get's this thing I've come to call "Cosmic Depression". (I'm pretty sure everybody get's it, we just complain more.) Cosmic Depression is when you feel like horrible injustices are being perpetrated on your person by forces unknown to you, perhaps only perpetrated by nothingness, it's the realization of the total abject unfairness in the universe, the realization that you'd really rather not be there at all. Not like you want to die, but like you want to never have been. It's a strange feeling; I don't know if it's the norm.
As messed up as my family is, we are only messed up individually. I think that, for how introverted all of us are, we are doing amazingly with the whole "Family Ties" thing.
"Shatter my brain." Said the Rice-a-Roni Silkworm.
I guess I'm done here, take care fellas.