Welcome, one and all, to the incongruent ravings of an inferior mind!
So far today I've spent the entire day trying to install Warcraft Three on my computer. There are so many things wrong with it that I can't even begin to think about ever telling you the number of things that may or may not have been wrong with it at one time in the past, present, or near future.
Make sense o' that!
Teresa and Maria came over today. It's cool cause I don't get to see them a whole lot. Ever since Maria got married she's been doing things like being self-sufficient and living with her husband and stuff. Woo. that's all well and good for them, but who am I gonna play donkey kong with now? Love?!
(For the sake of those who did not read that the way it was intended, I was asking angrily if I was supposed to play donkey kong, with love. Like love is a person, whom I'm going to play donkey kong with. When you think about it this way, love isn't all you need. You need love and an older sister... and an SNES.)
HEY! Y'all be happy to know that I actually FINISHED reading "the fellowship of the ring" and am now like 100 pages into "the two towers"!
Y'all, in this case, is really just Taylor. But still.
Yeah I'm really fweakin interested in them now, I don't know what came over me. I've always loved the story and stuff but never actually read the books, just seen different movies or cartoons a lot haha. tore through the first one in two days now though. Amazing, simply put.
my head fweakin hoits man. I'm goinsta die. Oh wait, no I'm not. Man I'm a sissy.
I don't know what's up with me today, I should be really angry and depressed because I'm grounded and also a bunch of things have gone wrong; and I've got a headache. But I'm not. I'm floatin' on air. What the hell is happening? I feel like somebody injected me with just enough heroin to make me feel euphoric but not enough to make me get all shivery.
on another note, my hormones are a-fweakin-
ragin'. *wink*
Senator Bodiddly, what is your opinion on the rising whole milk prices in northern Indiana?
Our official position on the subject has not been decided yet.
Senator Bodiddly, how can you ignore the needs of Indiana's Moo-Cow farmers at a time like this, when they so obviously need the reform you promised when you ran for office in 1576?
I do not believe I am ignoring the rising need of the Moo-Cow Farmers, far be it from me to do so. My parents were Moo-Cow farmers, as were their parents before them.
Senator Bodiddly! You're a stupid Jackass!
Our official position on the subject has not been decided yet.
Daaaaaaaaaaamn right.
Lemma say one thing here dahlin. I don't like any politics, in any country, in any fashion. If it were up to me, we would enslave anyone with an IQ of less than 150 and force them to do manual labor under a world-wide version of "the carrot or the stick policy". You do it right, you get room, board, and the right to procreate. If you resist, you are forced to serve as a lowly slave in the homosexual country of Unwantedmolestatia. Slaves could earn their freedom by coming in the top 50 of the yearly boggle olympics.
Truly, this would be a paradise.