The Obscure

Welcome, one and all, to the incongruent ravings of an inferior mind!

Friday, May 07, 2004

Dude, I am tellin you fweakin Guys; I do rock the party that rocks the par-ty. Deal with it, I say.

I have come to a conclusion. I can't dance. BUT! I can look like a homosexual. Just a homosexual who can't dance. Fun times though. Somethin' about the atmosphere, got some chums with you, lady love bouncin' around, got your tie all loosened and your hair tied back; somethin' about the way it makes you feel...
Me, I felt like a high-school art teacher trying to get the awkward adolescent kids to dance. By showing off my Moves.

Yes, verily did Prom rule ass. Best certain increment of money I've ever had my parents generously expend on my social life. They spend money on me, and are rewarded with smiles.
I started reading "The Grapes of Wrath" the other day. I got about 50 pages into it and then went, "Wait, I have that other book by that black guy!" which is why I started reading "The Invisible Man" (the Ellison one, not the Wells one) but I'm putting that off some more too, because I haven't yet finished, "The Two Towers" because I left my backpack in Joe's car last Sunday. I don't want to get the plots mixed up. It would be kind of confusing to go from a schizoid anti-white book on social inequality to Samwise and Frodo battling in between borderline homosexual references and "just friends" spooning.
But Sir, he ate your Eyes...

I don't gosta whole lot more to say. I wanna get some mutli-player Battlefield 1942 (or some other first person shooter kinda dealo schmealo, on second thought Preferably Quake or somfin) runnin' on my computer, can play it online, you know? Anyone wanna try to do that up with me? I don't wanna play with strangers.
*smooch* Bite me, friends.

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