The Obscure

Welcome, one and all, to the incongruent ravings of an inferior mind!

Saturday, May 22, 2004

Hey hey everyone. Today, I finished writing my last post and I thought to myself, "Enough with your damn pretensions John, everybody already knows what you have to say." and then I replied to myself, "Wait, what is it that I have to say?"
And I realized that there isn't anything. So I guess nobody really does know what I have to say; or if they do they are mistaken.
Perchance there is someone out there who knows what it is I am trying to say with my rants and raves, perhaps there is someone who knows the point to my unintelligible blatherings.
If you know, please enlighten the rest of the group, we are DYING to find out.

Today I had an old axiom shoved into my brain once more, I had forgotten it. Unfortunately I then forgot what it was. I'm sure it will once again find it's way into the recesses of my skull some time in the future; but what's to say that I won't then forget it yet again? Or maybe I never remembered it at all, I just remembered the well-known fact that I often forget every shred of knowledge and detail that is there to be gathered. Perhaps I then forgot that, and in forgetting that I forgot that I never knew the aforementioned axiom; and was thus led to believe that the axiom did indeed exist in my brain at another point in time. Give that thought a whirl, and a swirl. There are some who claim that twirling a baby 'round the end of a giant candy cane is bad for the child's health. To this I say but one thing, did you ask the baby? Because they like it, I will guarantee that.
While typing this I took off my socks. Nobody wears socks this time of night, it's axiomatic.

What's axiomatic again?

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