Welcome, one and all, to the incongruent ravings of an inferior mind!
I have been working on getting this computer running for the past two days. The length of time that must be devoted to simply maintaining my mindless diversions (i.e. aim, blogging, reading webcomics; all those things I find myself doing merely to eat up the boring hours I must exist through) is appalling. In all seriousness, the idea of spending two days fumbling with DOS commands and constant useless installs, reinstalls, and uninstalls merely so I can type up blog updates for later posting on Wordpad while I run countless scandisks and "setups" that do absolutely NOTHING to rectify the situation--hurts me.
This is slowly eating away at my already deranged mind. Luckily I have the smooth blues of Willie Dixon in the background to take the edge off. There is a reason why he is called the best blues musician of all time; it's cause he was the best blues musician... of all time. Cosmic, isn't it? I mean, there is some good blues out there besides Willie, don't get me wrong, nay, I say; but it was he who wrote most of the blues songs that are played by the other blues greats, it's like... he was the cornerstone of the genre. Feel free to debate me on that, I'm just saying it because this record I borrowed from Tim is gorgeous, like music to my ears.
My ScanDisk has hit the halfway point! WOO! and it's only four songs into the record!
I don't know why I bother to tab in with every paragraph on this thing, they don't show tabs on Blogger, for some reason it don't computer ova dea'. It just seems like I am cheating otherwise, I do it in the "create blog update" thing too.
I got some new art supplies today. By "new art supplies" I mean a pack of mechanical pencils, a ruler, and some coffee. I also got a copy of the latest Cracked Magazine. I tell you, the humor in it is plum terrible, but the illustration makes me want to touch myself. It inspires me. There isn't a whole lot that inspires me, so that's a big deal.
My room is a trash-hole right now. It's not like you can't see the floor, you can see it fine, but you don't want to; the rug is all gross and dirty and sticky and... discolored. It's like walking on a giant pair of really dirty jeans. That a cat vomited on. And are covered with coffee and dirty socks.
Yeah it's pretty gross. I gotta clean it, I've been avoiding sleeping in there for a while now, I slept in Lena's room a few nights in a row just cause the only working computer was in there and she has cable, and we oftentimes hang out together at night anyway to watch "Aqua Teen Hunger Force" and buy Snickers Bars, or whatever it is we do, I can never really remember. Alls I know is, when we walk to the Rapid Refill station at 2 in the morning, we look like a pair of stoned hippie teenagers, and that's a look I want.
I was getting, on average, about 2 hours of sleep a night for the past several weeks. It began to take a real toll on me the other day, I developed this massive killer headache and couldn't really move, so I popped some codeine, put on sunglasses and chilled out for a little while drinking Pepsi and watching TV, all the while making a general stoned ass of myself. It was a fun time though. It's a good thing I've closed myself off from the drug-abusing social structure of my contemporary culture, because it's times like these that I realize just how much I like being intoxicated, and it's not good for me, haha. Luckily I have will-power, and the idea that my parents would stab me with a ballpoint pen if they ever found out I was getting high, so the best idea is to avoid the situation all together, dig?
You know I'm here, everybody knows I'm here
And I'm a hoochie coochie man
Everybody knows I'm here
Gotta love that Willie Dixon. I'm a hoochie coochie man, dontcha know it? If you recall (and lord knows I do) on a certain show I used to watch quite frequently at a young age, "Bobby's World", the Mom Character used to say "Dontcha know" a lot. It made my youth infinitely more enjoyable. That and all those free Pawsox tickets I used to get were the single most memorable things about my life till I was about 11. I never went to a Pawsox game, but I had the opportunity to about fifty times.
Weeeeeeeeeeelp, I'm going to hit the road now, try to install the modem software again *rolls eyes* I'll have some fun.