The Obscure

Welcome, one and all, to the incongruent ravings of an inferior mind!

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Dude, this "BlogThis" thing is one of the coolest things Ever. I don't know why I like it, really, I mean I could just as easily update my blog from the "Update Blog" page I have bookmarked. But I think I will use this, and only this, from now on.

I slept late today, then I was awoken by a phone call from the indomitable Katie. In a sleepy haze I managed to reply to a few questions and figure out what word "Goodbye" meant (it took me a few tries, if I recall correctly [and I assure you, I do not] my first attempt at Goodbye was, "Fanbelt.")
I then put on my jeans and trundled off into the kitchen, where I made an enormous cappucino, Girled it up a bit with sugar and cinnamon, and devoured it rapidly so that I could commence Living for the day.
After showering, I went to the store and got hair elastics and a large bottle of Sierra Mist; and it is with my hair tied back and a glass of Sierra Mist in my hand that I bring this blog update to you now.

Now, I am having a tremendous day, the abundance of coffee, zelda, and hawaiian shirts is really making everything sublime for me. But what about the less fortunate? The people who, through no fault of their own, are having a bad day this fine Tuesday? With your pledge of just 8 cents an hour (plus an additional %12,000 shipment and management fee) you can bring quality programming like "The Obscure", "John's Daily Home-Cooking", and "Let's Get Down and Dirty With Johnny: A Christmas Special" to the good-day-ly impaired around the world. Please, help us to help helping ourselves by helping you help us in helping others.

I forgot if "help" was a word, just now. I told Tim and Taylor about it, apparently Tim didn't know so he had to consult the authorities; unfortunately "help" was an FBI codeword for "I'm a spy for the commies" and he has been put to death.
Today we mourn the loss of Timothy Doherty, a freedom fighter who was caught in the crossfire, shot down in a battle larger than himself. He has struck a blow for capitalism, and will always have a place in our hearts.

Anyway, I guess I'm going to go now, Y'all have a good day.

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