The Obscure

Welcome, one and all, to the incongruent ravings of an inferior mind!

Sunday, August 08, 2004

Things have been happening so much in my world lately, I don't know where to begin.
As you all know, I came home from camping several days ago. Since then my emotional state has been very tumultous. Camping is strange; when you take away the distractions of electronics and the rambunctious hyjinks of our Crew, you are left with nothing but your own thoughts and Rummy. Now, rummy is a fun game, don't get me wrong, but it get's boring and then you have to think. It's pretty rough.
So, after being forced to create chemical and electronic reactions in certain naturally subsidized areas of the gray tissue that has remained dormant so long within the mass of fused bone and nerve endings that constitutes my massive skull (or "think", to the layman), I have become kind of detached, and feel kinda squiggly. I don't know if "squiggly" makes sense to anyone else as a description of my current state, but you can rest assured that in some way it is accurate.
Then my Family life is all topsy turvy and awesome. More on that later.

I don't know man, I just don't know.

It is so amazing to me, how much I love Jethro Tull. I was brought to the brink of Manly Tears earlier, listening to "One White Duck on Your Wall" (I got too lazy to try and write the actual title, sorry fellas). I don't know why that song is so awesome to me, and I don't think I ever shall! From here on out though, it has replaced Pantene Pro-V as my shampoo of choice. It gives me more bounce.

It is the unfortunate lot in the inarticulate individual's life to be often put in a category in which he does not fit. You have to make allowances, though, because no one will ever truly know anyone else. At least, as far as my experience has led me to believe. Perhaps someday that will change, when we are all replaced with sentient twenty-pound blocks of plutonium. Eventually we will all melt together and become a single mass of Plutonium Entity, and together we shall be Man.

This blog update no longer holds my attention. I had stuff to talk about but it seems to have seeped out of my ears and onto my shirt. I have to go do a load of laundry.

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