The Obscure

Welcome, one and all, to the incongruent ravings of an inferior mind!

Monday, September 06, 2004

Hey everyone. I'm just chillin' here, with my cappucino steamin' and my "london calling" playin' on the stereo.
I haven't showered yet this morning, I think I will do that when I finish this coffee here. Man, I love to make coffee so much.

I should call the Cooles about doing yardwork. But I feel really sore today, I don't know why. I think I just want to stay in. I should call them anyway, commit myself to maybe doing it tomorrow afternoon.
Eh. We'll see how it goes.

I'm feeling stupid today. I'm too "labile".
"Labile" is a word my mom taught me, I think it means an unreliable emotional state, or an emotional cycle or something. Crazy, eh?

Anyway, I'm feeling like that. Right now I'm feelin' kinda down, whereas yesterday afternoon everything was peachy keen. I can barely remember yesterday, though. It's horrible when your memory has gotten so ravaged that you can't even remember being, before the immediate experience.
I can never remember any of the life-decisions I make, so they do me no good.

It's like Slaughter-House Five. I've become unstuck in time.

I don't have a copy of that book anymore. I had borrowed it from Dave for a really long time, but then he took it back. Along with his copy of "The Catcher in the Rye". They were actually his sister Kate's. Kate is a cool gal, I read some over her poetry once, it was real good. She's an english major, y'see. Or she was, she might've graduated, I don't remember.

I'm the oldest. Well, not really. But the group that I was born with is now the group that's the Pantheon, so to speak. I remember when I was younger, there was a group of kids who were about four years older than us, and they were so much cooler than we were, and they always had fun and hung out. Now we've moved up into their place.
I don't have fun and hang out. I'm a shitty replacement.

How come some people have it easy, and other people who should theoretically have it just as easy, have such a bad time?
Or is it all just an image?

Eh. To hell with it. Talk to y'all later.

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