The Obscure

Welcome, one and all, to the incongruent ravings of an inferior mind!

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Hey hey all. I'm sitting here, contemplating the universe, as I do so often. It aint none be bestin' yon thing to do. Dig?
I think I'm going to haul ass to lollapalooza later, after I update this bo'dizz. I just felt guilty about not updating last night, for some retarded reason.
What's going on with Johnny, you ask?
Well then, dear inquisitive reader, I shall answer your oh-so-polite query.

As all of you may (or in some extraneous cases, may NOT) know, my family's presence is soon to be moved elsewhere. That is, we are soon collectively to be no longer in direct conjunction with this vicinity, breaking free entirely from the living-pattern we have hitherto inhabited. Dig it?
Kickin' yo ass, we do.
As of now, though, I am eating cashews in all our mid-move artificial squalor with all the confidence of someone who actually has a place in which to reside. Eating cashews is an exceedingly bad idea for someone who's oral conditions are as dire as mine currently seem to be; the salt on my wounds is like... salt... on my wounds...
Lately, as well, my dreams have been strange, and "characterized by fantastic imagery and incongruous juxtapositions" (y'damn right they are!). Also, my head has been throbbing as if t'were assailed by the constant thrum of a Scandinavian skin drum (djembe?!); and I fear that my favorite dome of fused joints may soon be torn asunder by the fearsome storm that is evidently contained therein.
Furthermore, my personal appearance at my after-hours art class has twice been abstracted by the base and callow criminal that is my short term memory, I have thrice forgotten to do my laundry (leaving me recycling clothes at a far more than usual rate), and have quice (although the fault was entirely my own) put off finishing my current comic-strip-to-be; leaving myself in a much more aggravated state than I would have been otherwise, under the strain of the remaining situations.
All this and more, on the ten o'clock news. Your news network for the new news, with news by the hour. This news, is shown brand-new, on the New Fox News Newswork for News.

On the plus side, I made it to my art class today. I had to draw a picture of my art Teacher. I have never thought my drawing skills were such that I could illustrate something realistically, but I must say: in this case, I was fair-to-middling pleased with the results.
News is a weird word if you look at it for too long, or try to pronounce it a few times in your head. But then again, most words are like that. Except conundrum.
Thank you, conundrum.

Sorry you have to move, mate.
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