The Obscure

Welcome, one and all, to the incongruent ravings of an inferior mind!

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

I finally got a copy of Windows 2000, from Greg Ochs. So I put together a boot disk, on my ol' 98 here, and now I am trying to reformat the hard drive of this other computer. Except... I don't think it is working quite as well as planned, I may end up running two Windows 2000s at once, in which case I'm going to have to... undo that, somehow.
In any case, I look kind of ridiculous right now, in my New York Giants sweatshirt (that is actually PT's), Ponytail, with a bowl of cereal, and two keyboards in my lap--but, who's to know?
Except anyone who reads this, which I think, are many.

Anywho, this whole... computer thing takes is more time-consuming than Hogan's Goat. It's even more frustrating because I know that what I am doing right now will ultimately not work, I need to get my hard drive formatted, first. But Windows 2000 is unknown territory to me.
Oh where is Niles when you need him. Damn Windows 2000. If only they would remake Windows 98. As is, but state-of-the-art (somehow). Or maybe something that is as good as Windows 98 is, but... y'know... not obsolete.

I need more cereal.
This family goes through cereal like most families go through soda; and we go through soda like most whales go through plankton.
That is to say, quickly, and in large amounts.

Speaking of which, I found a fish today. No no, it's not what you think. People don't do those kinds of things to fish.
No, I found a clay "sculpture" of a fish I made for my father, in the fourth grade. It's the best fish you'll ever see, and I say that with the utmost confidence.
Speaking of confidence, I need slightly more cereal.

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