The Obscure

Welcome, one and all, to the incongruent ravings of an inferior mind!

Friday, December 10, 2004

Hello everybody! Today is a day of vile descent, the last son in a long line of rotten days that stretches all the way back to the Bad Day of Aurogon, before the Age of Man.
I have an ear infection. Also, this thing on my ear that I thought was a zit has grown to such painfully vast proportions that it far exceeds the bounds of dismissable zitdom. Therefore, I must go to the doctor tomorrow, utterly shattering any "fun" that may have previously been procured.
Tonight is also a funless night, my friends are all off doing their thing, and I'm stuck here with all kinds of ear infection. I haven't seen Tim in a few days because I've been working like a DAWG. I got money, though. Money that was promptly sucked out of my VERY SOUL by my mother, for car insurance so I can drive the car that I very rarely use.
Also, I wanted chinese food.

I am going to enter a contest, I want to be Mr. Biology. FURTHERMORE! (Der Fuhrer-more, to my German friends) If there is NOT a "Mr. Biology" Pageant, then, by gum I'll just have to start one! And everyone will go, under pain of death. Heil Johnny! Heil Fast Food!

You'll all be glad to know that my Dead Cat (Chelsea who, though obviously dead, is for all intents and purposes very much alive) beat the flappin' deuce out of my Dumb Cat (Zoe who... is very dumb.)
Seriously, I didn't think the old bag had it in her, but Zoe is cut up somethin' fierce; it's like she got into a knife fight with Mexico.

I ordered a plate of General Gau's chicken. Up till now, I've only eaten the leftover's from my father's General Gau, this will be my first venture into the lands of having-my-own-ia. Wish me luck, in this time of great peril.

I'ma go now, y'all have a good time whicha'selves!

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