Welcome, one and all, to the incongruent ravings of an inferior mind!
I was taking a shower just now and I had an idea for a book. It was sparked by a conversation Ryan and I had a few days ago, about the afterlife. The book would be entitled,
"The Posthumous Adventures of a Sick Man", and the idea would be that the main character is dead, but life after death is something very different than what he thought it was. Ryan's idea was that whatever the person believes in, subconsciously or otherwise, will occur when they die, and it would be in their mind, so to speak. If someone firmly believed in a Christian heaven, then their soul would end up in a Christian heaven, if someone firmly believed that they were damned, they would be damned, and so on. I'm going to combine Ryan's idea with my percoset inspired bastard spawn of free will and physics, which is that an entity, once set in motion, must remain in motion, UNLESS acted upon by an outside force (the outside force being, in this case, our free will). In short, an infinite spiritual life is given to us, as long as we want it, and believe in it. If we believe that we will stop when our bodies die, then we do. Makes sense, right? I know, it doesn't really.
The story would be that there was a nameless insane man, who believed that when he died he would become omnipresent. When he did pass away (he was murdered by a sadistic hospital worker, after being brought in off the streets and checked into an asylum) his omnipresence extended to the spiritual, physical, and temporal planes. The book would essentially be a fractured and disjointed look at the actual mentality of mankind through the eyes of a Godlike psychopath. Mind you, he is everywhere, but he is powerless to change anything. Interesting, huh? I thought it was. Imagine, a totally deranged lunatic, unfettered by time and space, peering into the minds and actions of both the living and the dead. What would he think about? How would his newfound knowledge affect him?
Writing that would be so awesome. I've even got an idea for the opening paragraph.
"It's strange to think that out of the countless religious crackpots and zealots who fantasized of a life after death, not one of them got it right. Or would it be more precise to say that all of them got it right? I guess it depends on how you look at it. There is humour in this, though. Billions of us have spent our lives trying to find the religion that made the most sense, mankind's history is littered with great thinkers who devoted their lives to finding out 'the truth' behind our reality, people have died defending their convictions about these things; and all the while, even the wildest raving coke-head on the street corner had it right on the money. Where do you go when you die? Well, that depends. Where do you think?"
I thought it was pretty interesting. Perhaps I shall attempt to write it.
We all know that I won't, who am I foolin'?
My mom finally got me an actual key to the car. Huzah, now I don't have to borrow hers every time I drive! AND! Now there is actually a point to me having a keychain! Till now I have just carried it for the jingles.
Anyway, I'm bored and tired, so I am going to go to bed. Have a good one, ladies and gents!