Welcome, one and all, to the incongruent ravings of an inferior mind!
Hello ladies and philanthropists! Good Neeeeeeeeeeeews!!
My older sister is in labor right now!! She is only one very long, excruciatingly experience away from having a new baby boy, "Sammy Johnson" we'll call him! I think. MAN! I'm so excited!!
I had a killer headache, so I took some Perk, but I am also really coffee-ed up, because I want to know the SECOND the baby is out. So I am not really going to be sleeping tonight, and there is nobody online to talk to. Therefore, I think I am going to devote a large amount of this morning to writing on this here blogarium. Sound good to you? It sounds good to me!
Our furnace went out again yesterday morning, and the temperature in here went down to like 58 or something. I was staying over Tim's house because I couldn't get a ride to work from here, so the low temperature didn't bother me, as I wasn't... y'know... here. Unfortunately, once the furnace got working again (at an immense cost to my parents *sigh*) my dad put it up to like 72 degrees or something, just so that the house would heat up quickly, but we failed to turn it back down in time, and my house is the kind of house that is hard to start heating and harder to STOP, y'know? So it's like 75 degrees in here right now, which is a bit too hot even for my taste. So I've got my pantlegs rolled up, and I put a fan the den here so that there is a bit of air circulation.
I think I'm going to try and go to Europe. Just for the experience of doing so, y'know? I'll just put away most of my cash for a while and then go travelling. I am not quite sure what it is I want to do with college yet, I think I may want to put it off for a year or so just to try to experience a somewhat unfettered adult life; I am just worried that I would and up putting it off too long and just not going at all.
I'd like to wait a year or so to go anyway, because the majority of my friends are a year behind me in school. I know it's kind of naive for me to think that I'd stay in real close touch with them in college and stuff, but it would be really cool, you know? So I was thinking maybe I could just spend half a year working and saving, and then half a year travelling around and writing and such, and then come back and get an apartment with a chum or two and go to school. That would be cool, right?
I don't know if I would be able to get accepted anywhere, though. My highschool transcript is horrendous. I did do pretty well on the SAT, but people keep on giving me different answers on how much that counts. Some people say, "Oh yeah, if you do good on the SAT then nobody'll care about your transcript." and then some other people say, "Oh yeah, the SAT is 10 percent of what colleges look at, and the transcript is the other 90." or something. I've been told that they look at the verbal score more than the math score though, so that's cool. My math was a 510, (which is low average, for those of you who don't know haha) but in English I got a 720. I guess that makes sense, I spent the bulk of my high-school career reading an average of 6 books a week in my classes. Ha, my Algebra teacher once took away copy of
Crime and Punishment because I was reading it during a big exam. I failed the test utterly, but I just took a different copy of
Crime and Punishment out from the library and finished it by 6th period. If only I'd done a little bit of schoolwork, I might have been able to give my life some sort of purpose.
But who needs purpose, anyway? Seriously. I mean, come on!
I swore to myself early on that I wouldn't make my SAT scores public, but for some reason I don't really care about that right now. The college thing is on my mind right now, so it is coming out. It's the perk that's doing it, I'm sure. But I know I will probably be deathly embarassed about it later on.
I've been contemplating starting work on actually writing one of the books I think about so much. There was a time, last spring and early summer, where I was writing for about 4 hours a day. I wasn't writing anything in particular, I'd just sit down in front of the computer at some point during the day and I would start typing, and then all of a sudden it would be an hour or two later and something would interrupt me and I'd go do something, and then later on I'd come back and repeat that sequence again, and again, and sometimes again and again and possibly even again. That would be it.
The point is, it'd be cool to get my brain out like that, and use the little talent I seem to possess for something useful.
Man, I was thinking that I would write more than this, but I'm pretty sure I am done now. I just write for a while, and then it feels like I am full, or something. Dig?
Anyway, goodnight, ladies and philanthropists. And, keep Maria and the new baby in your thoughts and prayers! I can't wait for lil' Sammy Johnson!