The Obscure

Welcome, one and all, to the incongruent ravings of an inferior mind!

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Man, it feels like a century since I last updated. Then again, the last time I updated I was entirely out of my head, so I guess that makes a bit of sense.
I haven't really been in a writing mood for a while now. I was sitting here just now, violently perusing the internet for about twenty minutes, and suddenly I was struck with the enormous realization that I could be updating my blog. I then made haste to the Edit Blog page, and began forthwith to write.

I am also making macaroni and cheese. This is turning out to be a GOOD DAY!
Man, I had forgotten what it was like to have a budget on your lifestyle, because our house-payments didn't start for like two months after we moved in here. So they started up at the beginning of this month and all of a sudden we are all dead broke again. I'm glad I have a job that I can get money from now, but I don't get my next paycheck for two weeks, and almost all of my last one is paying for part of my night-school debt.
I am now eating macaroni and cheese.

I was talking to Tim just now, and I came to a strange realization. I have gotten so used to cheap store-brand food (such as Stop and Shop Macaroni and Cheese, my personal favorite) that when I have the rare treat of eating actual "quality" brandname vittles I find myself not liking it.
That last sentence reminds me of the Brian Jacques books. You know, Mossflower and Redwall and all that, with the anthropromorphic animals who always killed each other? Yeah, those ones. They would always call their food "vittles". Never "food" or "grub" or anything, it was ALWAYS "vittles"; and I spent a long time trying to figure out what "vittles" were. The little cockney mole things would go, "Oy! Oi dunee zee wunt sum vittles, gum grimmy gam guvna!" To which the fearless warrior mouse would reply, "Forsooth, my weary gullet dost cry out in sorry agony, for it is in want of vittles!"
And then along comes those WILEY stoats who..beh, you get the idea. And I would read this strange dialogue, and of course being like 8 years old I was unable to understand a good half of it, which made unravelling the mystery of "vittles" all the more difficult. After reading like 4 Redwall books I finally associated the word "vittles" with the food that would be described in long, confusing detail immediately following it, and the books suddenly made a vastly larger amount of sense to me.
I was never a very smart child.

Anyway, I guess this blog update is done. I'm think I might go take a nap because I've been pretty short on sleep lately. I have no school tonight or tomorrow night, go me!
Toodle-oo, ladies and PHILANTHROPISTS!

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