The Obscure

Welcome, one and all, to the incongruent ravings of an inferior mind!

Friday, April 15, 2005

As I lay dying...

Hello, one and all. Welcome once again to the incongruent ravings of an inferior mind. This has been a very eventful week for the Colón family, and it is only getting eventfuller as time goes on. Luckily for me, april vacation is next week, so I will have a bit of slightly less stressful time in which to unwind.

It is a weird feeling, to realize you are about to lose someone who at one time was very close to you. The mixture of sorrow for that person's pain and shame for not spending time with them when you could have is overwhelming, it just leaves you feeling numb.
I don't really have much more I can say about that.

In other news, a friend of our family has come to visit this weekend. It my mother's former best friend's son, Sacoya (I am not sure how to spell his name, he is half Indian... the American kind.)
I spent a long and awkward time around him, my sister and my parents know him, but I do not, he hasn't been in Massachusetts for about 20 years. Needless to say, we did not have a lot to talk about. Also needless to say, my utterly useless social skills created an uneasy atmosphere between him and I.
On the plus side, he showed me this game called "Go". Some Americans call it the Chinese version of chess, but it is really nothing like chess at all, other than being a board game. It's very interesting, I don't think it will replace chess for me, though. I do love chess, I wish I played more often. I am not good at it, but it sure is fun.
But Go, man, it is weird! Sacoya (I can't spell!) said it is the oldest boardgame in the world.
"BUT!" he added, "There are a lot of backgammon players who say that backgammon is older."
Another fact I desperately needed to know, supplied to me by the cosmos just in the nick of time. I swear, if I didn't find that out when I did, I'd be dead.
Man, I just realized that you can say anything you want about the past. I mean, it's gone, how could anyone dispute you beyond a shadow of a doubt?
If I didn't drink a Pepsi today, I would sucked into a tear in the space-time continuum and spend an eternity floating between worlds.
Who's going to argue with me on that? I challenge each and every one of you to prove that statement wrong. If you can, I will give you a dollar.
A dollar that I have, because I got paid today. See that segue? Yeah, it was pretty good.
I got a big bundle of money, I spent a lot of it. Now I have less. Ain't it always the way?
I was smart this time, though. I put a hundred dollars in the bank. Now, after I go on my massive spending spree that will eat up all the money I have on me within three days, I will still have some left over. Good thinking, huh?
I am the worst impulse buyer ever.

I guess I am about finished with this post, I was just looking for a way to eat up some time and exercise my brain. Goodbye "ladies and gentle-ladies," as my dear cousin Merry is oft to quote.

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