The Obscure

Welcome, one and all, to the incongruent ravings of an inferior mind!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

I am an irresponsible man. I use the term "man" loosely, I am a part of mankind, therefore I call myself a man, though I lack the maturity and wisdom of one who would normally be called by such a title. I also call women "man". Not when I am referring to them, I don't say, "Betsy is a nice man." but in conversation, like, "Betsy, you're really nice, man." That kind of thing.
The main point of that was to say that, I am an irresponsible thing, whatever that thing may be. I have many things I should be writing right now, I have the book that I want to write, I have dozens of pieces that I want to put together and try to get published, I have an essay I want to write as a favor for a friend, but these things are not what I am writing right now; which underlines the inherent irresponsibility of my nature.
See, while I have felt the need to write things for a long time now, until tonight I have not actually felt any desire to do so. That makes it very difficult to write unless you feel like writing two pages of gibberish just to "get over the hump" as I put it. I think it has to do with my lack of reading of late, I just started (and have almost finished) this new Stephen King novel called "Cell," which I highly recommend, if you don't mind becoming hopelessly paranoid about cellphones and the apocolypse; which of course I do not. And, after finishing a chapter in that book I began to want very badly to write something of my own again.
I have always believed very strongly in the power of the written word, I only wish I could wield it at a better time than when I have a full dose of clonodine in my body and am all wacked out with lithium toxicity. But, inspiration comes when it will, even if the inspiration is only to write about inspiration.

There are things in my mind that I wish to show people, and I do not know how to go about it. A war is coming, and I think that the worst of it could be averted were there some kind of social revolution. I am not talking about a reactionary social revolution like some are trying to spark now or like the famed hippie movements of the sixties, I am talking more of a pre-emptive movement. One where people learn to understand the world for what it really is, where they learn things that will broaden the horizons of their minds. We are three or four laws away from communism right now, folks, and three or four more from goose-stepping our way to the supermarket to pick up our one pound of rationed flour per month. There are bad times ahead, bad, hard times.
We need a social revolution. We need our "Citizens" to understand that self-education is the true path to a pure knowledge.
I believe it is coming, I would like to be there when it happens. I would like to wield some power to push it along. It must come swiftly, though, because those dark days are around the corner, and if our heads aren't out of our asses by then, we are screwed.
This may just be the clonodine and the toxicity talking, so if this all sounds like gibberish, just leave a comment saying so. But when WW3 starts in 4 years or so, don't come crying to me. I don't know why you would, there isn't anything I would be able to do for you, unless I had a gun, which I do. I suppose you can come crying to me if you want, whatevs.
That's all I got.

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