The Obscure

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Wednesday, May 10, 2006

That Son of a Bitch Van Owen!

Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner, talkin' about the man.
This is my third day of not having a job, and I gotta tell you, the lack of stress is really good for the skull. I accidentally stumbled on a medication that helps with almost all of the extra symptoms of my headaches, the nausea and dizziness and blurred vision, it doesn't do much for the shakes, but it helps them some at least.
Soon the "not having any money" factor will set in and I will have to find a new means of employment, I figure I could last a month or more if I live on the cheap (which is tricky business for a guy like me). It kind of sucks though, because I was planning on leaving for California sometime in June, and I no longer have any cash flowing in to fund that excursion; I only have the small amount of cash (which would've been enough to go if I didn't need a new ride) that I ended up with when my job was gone, and I can't really file for unemployment because my boss did offer me a different, though much smaller position, at Veronica's. I made the decision not to accept, which I think she anticipated, but it does make it more like me leaving than like me being fired, so getting unemployment would be tricky business too. I could file for disability, but, as I live with my parents, I'd only get like 175 a month, which wouldn't even pay for car insurance, let alone leaving me off with anything to save up for a car with.
Oh well, I'll just take things as they come. My application to UMass Boston is in, and my transcript is on it's way. I have to do some fresh research and write a paper to this scholarship foundation. My mom said that because of our finances I have to "wow" them. I'm not positive I have the ability to do that, she seems to think I do. I guess I will just do my best and see what happens. We'll burn that bridge when we get to it, as Ryan would say.
The prescription for percocet that my doctor gave me this month was 30 less than last month, which was 30 less than the month before it. I hope it goes up next month as opposed to down, or even staying at 60. 60 is hard to work with, even 90 is hard to work with, but 60 is real hard, if he tries to give me 30 there will be trouble, and the trouble will probably be mostly for me. So far I've been doing ok on 2 perks a day, I only went over on the first day when I was pissed off about it (logical, no?), and on that day I only went over by one. Of course, it has only been three days, and I am out of fenergen. I'll have to call the doctor today and ask if I can have a prescription of the stuff, that's the stuff I stumbled upon. It's actually what the ER lady at Morton hospital pumped me full of when I was having lithium toxicity, I was ticked off enough about not getting any pain relief that I didn't notice it's positive qualities, apparently the lady (I already said she was competent, I just didn't like her) was even more competent than I thought, because she picked a drug that was non-narcotic (and therefore didn't violate her scruples) but still nixed almost all of the symptoms I went there to complain about, all except the pain--which, of course, became secondary when the lithium toxicity was discovered. Smart lady, I still wish she would've just bitten the bullet and give me a shot of morphine, though.
Anyway, I'm done here, my head hurts terribly and, because of the whole "only getting 60 this month" thing, I can't take medication for it for a couple hours. I'll just have to sit pretty until then. G'bye all.

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